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Challenges & Top Tips

Top Tips to Scaling Your Business

When starting a new business, founders tend to fit into one of two categories. There are founders whose plan it is to scale their new business as aggressively as possible and to...

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Challenges & Top Tips

Top Tips to Getting Investment Ready

If you want to scale your early-stage business, and to grow it quickly, then it is quite possible that you will need to raise investment by selling part of your business to new...

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Challenges & Top Tips

Top Tips to Surviving Recession

It has been said that ‘when the going gets tough, the tough get going’. But in reality, when a recession is looming and the business environment gets even tougher than normal...

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Challenges & Top Tips

Top Tips to Fund Raising

Most entrepreneurs, and indeed the early-stage businesses themselves, share many of the same challenges and experiences along their journey. This is basically true irrespective...

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Challenges & Top Tips

Top Tips to an Advisory Board

Working with the right partners can make the difference between success and failure in almost any scenario, but this is even more true when running an early-stage business. As...

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Top Tips

Top Tips to Customer Service

When establishing a start-up, or later on during the whole scale-up journey, there is one general concept that holds good, and that is that you should try to under promise and...

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Challenges & Top Tips

Top Tips to Networking

One of the most difficult things to being a founder or running an early-stage business is the lack of human resources and the sheer amount and diversity of work that needs to be...

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Challenges & Top Tips

Top Tips to Cash Flow

These are tough times for many businesses. Rapid inflation and so rising input costs. Rising interest rates leading to increased financial costs. Squeezed consumers buying less...

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Challenges & Top Tips

Top Tips to Market Research

To be a successful entrepreneur means that you have to run a successful business. That in turn requires your business to sell products or services that customers want to buy and...

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Challenges & Top Tips

Top Tips to Entrepreneurship

Welcome to a new series of articles for Startups Magazine. In this series we will look at some of the more common challenges that are faced by early-stage businesses and some of...

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Top Tips

Top Tips to Entrepreneurship

What qualities make an entrepreneur? What character traits are typically seen in entrepreneurs? Are these qualities and character traits something that they are born with or...

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Top Tips

Top Tips to Adapting & Pivoting

Every business needs to constantly assess what it sells, to whom, and how it sells it. It also needs to constantly assess the market and its competitors, as well as attempting...

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Top Tips

Top Tips to Pitching

One thing that every early stage business should produce is a pitch deck, whether they are looking to raise external funding or not. A pith deck is typically a 15 to 20 page...

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Top Tips

Top Tips to Valuing your Business

Founders typically establish a business with one of two game plans in mind. They either want a lifestyle business and one that fits their work life balance, or they want to build..

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Top Tips

Top Tips to Managing Cash Flow

It is often said that turnover is vanity and profit is sanity. But, even more importantly, do not forget that cash is king. Put simply, businesses fail because they do not have...

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Top Tips

Top Tips to Adapting and Pivoting

Before any business is established the founder will of course have spotted a gap in the market, thought of the original idea, conducted research, and come up with the MVP...

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Top Tips

Top Tips to Scaling

As with everything about starting a business, different people do it for different reasons, and they have different levels of ambition. Some people want it to remain a side hustle.

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Top Tips

Top Tips to Surviving in Business

According to the Office for National Statistics 213,285 businesses failed in the UK in the first half of 2020, a 14% increase on the same period in the previous year. Without...

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Top Tips

Top Tips to Communication

We all communicate every day in both our social and our business lives but, let’s be honest, some do it so much better and more effectively than others. The very word...

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Top Tips

Top Tips to Getting the Right Partners

Some founders come up with their business ideas alone, whilst others do so with friends or associates. Some founders wish to stay as sole founders, whilst others prefer to work...

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Top Tips

Top Tips to Developing a Website

Having set up a business there are some very logical next steps that have common features irrespective of what your business will do. Any business needs to sell its product or...

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Top Tips

Top Tips for Starting a Business

Welcome to a new series of articles where I will provide practical top tips on a wide range of decisions and challenges that early stage businesses have to make every day. Here...

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in British English


to prosper or cause to prosper vigorously and rapidly