Latest Articles

Networking for Business Growth

My career has evolved around one contact and opportunity leading to another and another, allopening up doors along the way

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Challenges & Top Tips

Top Tips to Networking

One of the most difficult things to being a founder or running an early-stage business is the lack of human resources and the sheer amount and diversity of work that needs to be...

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Start-up to Scale-up

Building Your Network and Platform

One of the most effective ways of telling your story is by building your network. As any business scales it will inevitably deal with an ever-increasing number of customers and...

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The Next Steps

It's Who You Know

It’s not what you know but who you know. Or so the old saying goes. Whenever that is said though it always seems to be said in a disparaging way, as in the ‘old school tie’ is ...

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Lessons Learned

Virtual vs Reality

For everyone around the world, the COVID-19 pandemic has changed many aspects of all of our lives. But what lessons have we learned about virtual verses reality? In many ways...

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Overheard in a Startup...

Does Remote Working Have to Mean Working Remotely?

These are strange times, unsettling times, and if I am honest this is not a normal question that I overhear much in more normal times, but recently THE question that I keep...

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Overheard in a Startup...

Do I Really Need To Network?

Some people are afraid of networking and others love it! It is true. We have all come across people that love nothing more than going to networking events and chatting to...

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Mentor's Journal

Week 17 - Et Deinceps Sursum

Last week was of course the last real working week of the year, but whilst many will have found opportunities to celebrate most will still have been working hard...

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Mentor's Journal

Week 15 – Entrepreneurial Inspiration

Different things drive different people in different ways. That is because each of us wants something different from our lives and we are prepared to make different levels of ...

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Mentor's Journal

Week 14 – Help Required!

I am sure that each and every one of us would accept that we cannot be good at everything that we do, or that we do not have time to do everything ourselves.

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Mentor's Journal

Week 12 – The Connection Hierarchy

Over the last two weeks I have written special articles on ‘Business Plans and Pitch Decks’ and on ‘The Art of Fundraising’ but this week I return to writing 'The Mentor’s Journal'

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Mentor's Journal

Week 7 – The Next Steps

Just as last week’s Mentor’s Journal led me neatly into my article, 'The Power of Networking', so this week started off very much in the same vein with all my early meetings...

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The Power Of Networking

Welcome to the first of a periodic series of articles that will take a more in depth look at some of the topics that make frequent appearances in my Mentor’s Journal series.

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Mentor's Journal

Week 4 – When 2+2=5

One thing that I have learned over the years is the importance of cooperation and working with the right partners, and this has only been reiterated during my activities as a...

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in British English


to prosper or cause to prosper vigorously and rapidly