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Networking for Business Growth

My career has evolved around one contact and opportunity leading to another and another, allopening up doors along the way

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What can the Government Learn from the S/EIS Tax Legislation?

The majority of tax legislation in the UK is confusing, and support for SMEs is often ineffective, so why is S/EIS any different?

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Different Ways to Fund Your Startup - Crowdfunding

The founders of almost every early stage business will ask themselves on at least one occasion, “Do I need to raise finance in order to grow my business?” For many, the answer...

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London - Fintech Capital of Europe

It’s official – London is Europe’s global tech city, with London based technology firms having raised more than $10.5bn in new investment from venture capital firms in 2020...

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2021 - A New Dawn

“What will the new year bring us?” “365 opportunities!” This was the question and answer in a cartoon that was sent to me a few days ago, showing two people sitting on a hill...

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Taking a Deeper Look Into AI and Blockchain

Technology, especially new technology, has always had something of a divisive effect; that is it can be seen as black or white, working in good ways or bad. If we look back...

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Choose Your Investors Wisely

Taking the plunge and deciding to start your own business can be one of the biggest and most important decisions that many of us will make. Having set out on that course...

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Why Many Founders are Fantasists

Founders and entrepreneurs need to be many things. They need to be enthusiastic and energetic, intelligent and inventive, resourceful and resilient, tenacious and talented. But...

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Why Is Understanding Customer Needs Important?

When your business was founded you would have done a lot of market research into all the areas necessary in order to validate your idea and to write a full and comprehensive...

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Coronavirus Business Loan Interruption Scheme

The government backed Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS) has been rolled out at unprecedented speed, and the size of the financial packages being made...

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Money Matters! #3 Deposit Accounts

Having started to understand that we owe it to ourselves that we really do need to know a little more about our personal finances it is easy to go one of two ways...

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Crowdfunding or Angel Network - How to find your way in the world of financing options

At some stage in the development of a business that wishes to really grow and prosper, the founders or senior management will decide that they need to raise funding...

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Money Matters! #2

In my opening article in this ‘Money Matters!’ series I asked a number of basic questions about personal finance that everyone should be able to answer at least in general terms...

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Taking the First Steps in Business

So…you’ve decided you’re going to set up your own business and this time you are really going to do it...

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Money Matters!

I have been in and around the financial service sector the whole of my working life and indeed studied Commerce and Economics at school, so I guess that that shapes my view on...

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The Art Of Fundraising

As a mentor I get involved in a huge cross section of businesses in different sectors and at different stages of their development. As a result I have been involved in many...

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Business Plans Vs. Pitch Decks

As readers of either my Mentor’s Perspective or Mentor’s Journal series will know, one of the most common themes that I come across is that of fundraising in all its guises.

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The Power Of Networking

Welcome to the first of a periodic series of articles that will take a more in depth look at some of the topics that make frequent appearances in my Mentor’s Journal series.

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in British English


to prosper or cause to prosper vigorously and rapidly